CORADIX Technology Consulting

Core competencies

In order to continually innovate an organization, you need to bring people to the table that are experts in their field, with the ability to converge the latest technology with business problems. CORADIX has established Core Competencies to assist our clients with developing practical IT solutions in a wide range of areas.

Analytics & Data Visualization AI / Machine Learning / Robotic Process Automation Cloud Solutions CRM / Case Management Cybersecurity Information Management Microsoft 365

Information Management

Simply put – we need to be able to capture, store, retrieve and destroy information in a secure and correct manner. As electronic storage volumes grow exponentially, providing the right information to the right people becomes increasingly challenging. CORADIX can help you look at this challenge and provide insight gained from our years of experience developing information architecture roadmaps for its clients. There is no cookie cutter approach to solving this problem, and every client needs a unique approach.

We start by trying to understand your business drivers in order to develop a strategy that fits inside your budget and timeframe. We always recommend small steps, with measurable results.